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Free Church Technology for Small Churches
Free Church Technology for Small Churches God may bless his people with an abundance that comes from simply showing up with loaves and fishes, but for ministry leaders, getting everything done can feel impossible at times. Often, it feels like the devil really does show up in the details to make everything harder than it…

Church Giving Fatigue: What Is It, and How Can You Recover?
Don’t Get Tired Bringing up the subject of money to your congregation is tough — especially when your members are feeling the crush of church-giving fatigue. But broaching the money subject is something every church must deal with. You have to perfect the art of talking money while also accepting the not-so-simple reality of church…

The Benefits of Accepting Crypto Donations at Your Church
Most churches have realized online giving is essential, but few recognize the many benefits of accepting crypto donations. It’s time for this to change. Benefits of Accepting Crypto and Bitcoin Donations Technology has led to significant changes in recent years and this is as true in the ministry as anywhere else. One major area of…

How To Talk About Crypto To Your Donors
When Speaking About Crypto Technology consistently offers new ways to give, and we’ve come a long way from when cash was king. While online donations may seem like the latest innovation, cryptocurrency for donors has opened up a whole new world of giving. Of course, it’s a complex world. So if your ministry begins accepting crypto…

Benefits of Donating Cryptocurrency to Charity
Benefits of Donating Cryptocurrency to Charity Cryptocurrency has found its way into many areas of daily life. What was once viewed suspiciously by many has become its own decentralized economy. If you own digital coinage, every day seems to offer something new that crypto can accomplish. Many people have realized this after seeing just a…

5 Strategic Steps for Congregation Growth in 2022 and Beyond
Expand Your Flock It’s been a tough few years for organizations of all types. Ministries and faith-based groups, however, have had it particularly hard. At a time when church attendance was already on the decline, a pandemic showed up and kept people at home. You’ve made it this far, though, so is it time for…

Be The Tech Advocate In Your Parish
Tech Advocates in Church Are Essential — Why Not Become One? Church attendance has been in decline for some time now. Some ministry leaders believe this is because technology entered the ministry, but this is far from accurate. In fact, churches with tech advocates are better able to attract new congregants, increase overall giving, improve…

Giving Tuesday: How Cryptocurrency Affects It
Learn The Impacts Giving Tuesday follows Thanksgiving, falling on either the last Tuesday of November or the first Tuesday of December each year. Giving Tuesday in 2021 set a record at $2.7 billion in donations, representing nine percent in growth from 2020. Even more intriguing is the interplay between Giving Tuesday and cryptocurrency, something nonprofits should prepare…

What Are Crypto Donations?
Crypto: Today’s Currency Modern non-profits have had to adapt to a lot of technological advancements. Over the past two decades, most have moved away from cash and checks to adopt online portals where they can take bank transfers and credit cards. Donation software like ours continues to be on the cusp of innovation, like with text giving.…

Why More Churches and Nonprofits Are Accepting Bitcoin Donations
Consider The Question Nonprofits accepting Bitcoin is becoming more commonplace and, as cryptocurrency adoption continues to grow, we can only expect that trend to continue. If you’re thinking about adding crypto to the lineup, here’s what you need to know about non-profits and churches accepting Bitcoin. Why Are Nonprofits Accepting Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the largest…

Why More Nonprofits Are Accepting Crypto For The Holidays
The Season of Giving The holiday season brings the most charitable donations of any time of the year. With the trio of Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday, and Christmas—along with last-minute donations to tap into tax incentives before the New Year—every organization takes some time out to prepare itself. This year, though, there’s a new topic making…

Crypto Donations Hit Record Seasons of Generosity
Feel The Spirit The holiday season before the 2022 new year signified a record in crypto donations. While charitable giving should occur year-round, this recent season of generosity is inspiring. DonorWERX, a powerful giving software, helps churches and charitable organizations go beyond collection plates and checks to tap into online giving. Offering donors the choice…

What Are The Benefits of Crypto Donations?
How It Works Just a few years ago, the concept of crypto donations was entirely foreign to most organizations. Now, as cryptocurrency continues to gain more traction, some major non-profits are beginning to accept them. The question is, is it just a gimmick? Here’s a closer look at the benefits of crypto donations and why…

How Cryptocurrency Is Changing Church Giving for the Better
Get Involved While the digital world may seem like a strange place for the ministry, the two are increasingly coming into contact. Some churches have found their way into the virtual “metaverse,” and crypto has also become an acceptable way to give in houses of worship. In fact, cryptocurrency and churches seem poised to become…

10 Church Tech Trends To Embrace This Year
Embrace The Times Houses of worship have seen historic levels of disruption in recent years. Many were already reeling from consistent reductions in attendance, and then a pandemic decided to pile on more. Fortunately, congregations are resilient. Of the many recent technological innovations helping ministries survive, these are the major church tech trends you must…

Crypto: The New Way to Give
Get On The Crypto Train Cryptocurrency wasn’t on many people’s radars just a few years back. Thanks to the explosive growth of Bitcoin, however, a day doesn’t go by without major news involving digital currencies. These decentralized monetary systems have now found their way into the charitable world. In a short time, giving cryptocurrency has…

Stage 4 Cancer Patient Saves a Church, Then a Miracle Happened
Life Finds A Way When Greg Thomas received a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, doctors told his family that it was best to start planning his funeral. Once cancer reaches this stage, there’s rarely a good prognosis. Instead of wallowing in self pity or simply giving up, though, Greg decided to do something with the time…

This Homeless Man Donated Hundreds — He’s Not Homeless Anymore
This Homeless Man Donated Hundreds — He’s Not Homeless Anymore Most of us learn early on that good deeds come in many forms. The fact is that you don’t have to donate money to do what’s right. In fact, not many people would expect an impoverished person to give away money in order to do…

Plumber Returns Small Fortune He Found; Doing So Really Paid Off
Plumber Returns Small Fortune He Found; Doing So Really Paid Off Once you’re working in a church, you could say you’re already doing God’s work. That’s regardless of the job you’re doing. When a plumber recently went to work at Houston’s Lakewood Church, though, he didn’t realize just how much good he’d soon do for…

Homeless Man Turns in $40,000 He Found; Then a Miracle Happened
Charity Pays Off In November 2021, we saw a Southern California freeway come to a halt when an armored vehicle crashed. It wasn’t that traffic was obstructed due to the accident. Instead, traffic deadlocked as people got out of their cars to pick up the loose money. The story of Glen James — a homeless…

She Got Fired for Helping a Homeless Man. Then Her Life Changed
She Got Fired for Helping a Homeless Man. Then Her Life Changed Doing the right thing doesn’t require a specific religion or any type of training. It’s something that everyone understands should simply be done. Not everyone chooses that route, though, so the story of a young lady who got fired for helping the homeless…

After a Student Donated a Computer, the Blessings Didn’t Stop
Act on Good Intentions If Daisy Hampton was like any other 12-year-old student, she likely enjoyed the idea of staying home instead of going to school. When the pandemic made this a long-term reality, though, she began to worry as many of her classmates started missing virtual classes. When she found out why, she turned…

A Waitress’s Act of Kindness Changed Everything for Her Family
Pass Kindness Along Waiting on tables is often a thankless job — and the paycheck doesn’t typically make up for that. In fact, the average salary for servers in America is right around the federal poverty level for a family of three. Yet, this reality didn’t stop Liz Woodward — a waitress in New Jersey…

Unknown Blood Donors Save a Man, Then He Saves 2.5 Million Babies
Unknown Blood Donors Save a Man, Then He Saves 2.5 Million Babies After turning 14 back in 1950, James Harrison required major chest surgery to save his life. Then He Saves 2.5 Million Babies Doctors had to remove a lung from the young teenager, and during the process, they needed almost two gallons of donor…

Parents Donate Their Son’s Organs, 10 Years Later, Karma Visits
Find Hope In This Story In December 2004, Jake MacKinnon received life-saving surgery that gave him a new pancreas. The 19-year-old had dealt with Type I diabetes nearly his entire life, and without that surgery, his prospects were not good. Sadly, such a miracle is often only possible due to tragedy. The tragedy in this…

Good Samaritan Helps With a Flat Tire — Doing So Saved His Life
Good Samaritan Helps With a Flat Tire — Doing So Saved His Life There was a time when people would not hesitate to help someone on the side of the road with a disabled vehicle. Times are changing, though, and most auto issues end with a call to AAA. When Victor Giesbrecht and his wife…

Cancer and Loss Inspire Pediatric Horse Camp
Our Equine Friends The resulting grief of losing a close friend or family member is unthinkable and it takes an immense amount of support, reflection and kind words to pull through. But, by the grace of God, loss can inspire incredible action. Finding the silver lining is important and that means treating loss as a reminder…

Donor Type 1: The Purposeful Donor
The Purposeful Donor Church members and donors have specific needs. As a church leader, you are aware of the varying personalities that enter your church doors for every service. However, what many leaders overlook is that in order to reach a donor effectively and teach them more about giving, it’s important to understand their personal characteristics. In…

Meet the Plumber Serving the Elderly and Disabled for Free
Enjoy This Message of Hope We’ve all complained about the high cost of a last-minute plumber, but for most of us, it’s just a minor inconvenience that we quickly get past. For those with tight budgets, on the other hand, everyday services can become inaccessible. That’s why one plumber went viral for his kind gesture.…

Helping Homeless Dogs and Recovering Veterans Find Hope
Man’s Best Friend Tragically, about one veteran takes their life every hour in the United States. When they return home, our service members often face the challenges of conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and military sexual trauma (MST) — all of which can be unbearable to cope with. Sleeplessness, debilitation, and…

This Woman Is on a Mission to Support Transracial Adoptions
Experience This Story The term “transracial adoption” is used to describe a parent of one ethnicity adopting a child of another ethnicity. It’s a beautiful thing — but it comes with several unseen challenges that parents have long struggled to navigate through. Perhaps a seemingly minuscule challenge at first mention is a parent being unfamiliar…

How To Create A Better User Interface
Use These Design Principles Software development is a complex process, and it’s hard to say which aspect is most important. Most people agree, though, that the user interface (UI) deserves special attention. The user interface is the first thing users see when they open your app or software. It sets the tone of the entire…

Most Common Software Support Mistakes
Work The Bugs Out If you sell software, your customers need support. Your customers expect that ongoing connection. In fact, many customers won’t even consider purchasing a software product without adequate customer support. Software support does several things. First, it gives customers the knowledge they need to effectively use the product. It also gives customers…

Soccer Player Donates World Cup Winnings to Charity
Teenage Soccer Player Donates World Cup Winnings to Charity Every four years, the World Cup attracts billions of viewers who watch in nail-biting suspense to see who will take home the prize. But in recent years, athletes have begun to use the attention of the event for more than sponsorships and interviews. One inspiring story…

Years After Harvey, J.J. Watt Continues to Make a Difference
Braving The Storm Hurricane Harvey was one of the most devastating natural disasters in recent years, overwhelming Texas with $200 billion in damages. The storm took 88 lives and, while the news has long moved on since 2017, people are continuing to pick up the pieces. Some lost everything and many have struggled to get back…

When This Rich Woman Won the Lottery, She Donated It All
Pay It Forward So many people dream of winning the lottery. While the odds are slim, many people buy a ticket in hopes that they’ll be the lucky victor. So, it’s ironic to read stories of people “hitting it big” when they already had big pockets. Rachel Lapierre was fairly well-off. As a former nurse…

She Sold Everything She Owned to Help the Homeless
Assisting The Less Fortunate Homelessness is a major issue in our world today, and one that’s tough to tackle. Supporting the homeless as they are with food, shelter, and basic care is essential to their well-being, but they also need job training, education, transportation, permanent housing, and so many other necessities that many of us…

Girl Recruits School to Assemble ‘Lemon Aid’ Stands
Girl Recruits School to Assemble ‘Lemon Aid’ Stands For many of us, charity is not something we think about until we’re well into our 20s and 30s. Especially as young kids, we tend to cherish every dollar that comes our way, whether it’s from running the paper route, cards from Grandma, or setting up a lemonade…

3 Ways to Improve Your Software Support
Enhance Your Support Structure Customer support is a team effort. When things run smoothly your customers can’t help but notice. But if things go wrong they’ll notice that above all else. Which is worse? Ineffective communication and collaboration in the support team have a drastic impact on customer trust. Make sure you don’t overlook any…

Good Samaritan Gets Saved By Girls He Rescued
Wisconsin Man Helps Damsels in Car Distress and Gets His Life Saved by Them Mere Minutes Later Good Samaritan Gets Saved By Girls number of deaths per year from cardiac arrests is astounding over 356,000 cases of out-of-hospitalrecent statisticsheart attacks occur every year in America, out of which a massive ninety percent result in death.…

Rescuer Becomes Rescued In Miraculous Save
The Miracle Baby who Three Decades Later Rescued his Saviour from the Jaws of Death Our world is riddled with death, destruction, torment, and disease, there is also a lot of good to be grateful for Rescuer Become Rescued In Miraculous save. There are genuine and kind people who make you believe that good still…

Man Inspires Chain of Charity Acts After Job Loss
Hope Shines On If there’s one thing the entire world can agree on, Man Inspires Chain of Charity Acts After Job Loss and uncertainty for the world’s people. Brian Schwartz While is thankful to have made it through the pandemic with his health, it brought his career to a screeching halt. Read on to hear Brian’s…

Giving Stories For Pastors To Share
Giving Stories For Pastors To Share Get Your Inspiration It’s worth remembering that gifts of generosity and kindness still prevail. No matter how hopeless the state of the world seems, here is proof that the capacity for giving still exists. The Non-Profit Times Statistics Many non-profits struggled during the pandemic and were forced to cancel their regular…

Charitable Actions Inspired By Celebrities
Generosity On All Levels In a world full of people, celebrities often inspire the biggest trends. From pastel-colored hair to the clothes we wear, the elite in Hollywood tends to have an effect on many aspects of our lives. Whether you follow the trends or prefer to pave your own way, some of these celebrities…

Megachurch Gives Back In Millions
The Miracle of Donor Generosity An accidental pastor, along with his wife, has been taking ministry by storm. Their Tulsa, Oklahoma, church doesn’t appear on the 2021 List of Emerging Churches, but it’s been making waves since 2015. The former 300-member church has grown into a megachurch worthy of filling the first-place slot for all three…

Good News Stories That Came Out of the Pandemic Years
Good News Stories That Came Out of the Pandemic Years Virtual theater classes for students with autism Quarantine is tough on everybody but who could have imagined the challenges that children adults who faced autism would face? When Elaine Hall, a theater artistic director, saw the challenge, she decided to create an inclusive theater program…

The $4,000 Ring That Changed a Homeless Man’s Life
The Spark of Hope Winters can be cold, dark, and very lonely — especially for the homeless who are often left freezing out in sub-zero temperatures, without the solace of a warm meal and a cozy bed. While the privileged few gather our loved ones together for family meals in our toasty kitchens, singing songs…

Giving Stories & Statistics to Inspire You
Pass Along The Light We’ve all heard how important it is to teach donors about the Scriptural principles of giving: why it is encouraged, and how they will be blessed in return for their charitable efforts. To bring these concepts even closer to home, it helps to show statistics. Share with your donors and congregation…
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