Course 4 – The Digital Donor Experience

The Digital Donor Experience


The Digital Donor Experience

Technology Solutions

Technology Solutions

Technology Solutions

  • Technology has become an indispensable part of ministry growth. It is an extremely difficult task to keep up with the exponential advances in technology, but this is what separates the thriving churches from the stagnant churches
    • What tech. applications can be utilized during this campaign to make communicating and life a little easier? (Hootesuite, Blog articles, FB ads, etc)
  • Offer additional ways for your congregation to give, access donor trends and metrics, and track results of fundraising campaigns.
    • Enable consistent, recurring givers
    • Increase Your Recurring Giving By 39%
    • Enable consistent, recurring givers
    • Who Actually “Likes” Paying Bills?
      • Which is why many people would forget to pay bills…or pay them late…especially if they had to write checks or…heaven forbid…drive to the organization and pay their monthly bill in cash every month!
      • In fact, if an organization told you that you had to mail a check in every month, you’d say, “Wow, this company is stuck in the 1980s!”
      • The benefits of automatic withdrawal are so widely accepted it almost seems silly to mention them.
        • To the payor…no envelopes to stuff, no stamps to buy, no trips to the post box, no paper to waste, and no missed payments or late payments.
        • To the payee…no bills to mail out and much better cash flow.
        • And yet, most churches still see less than 75% of their overall giving digitally.

Connecting Digital Giving to Specific Needs

Connecting Digital Giving to Specific Needs

Connecting Digital Giving to Specific Needs

Are you delivering a message that affirms their contributions will make a real- life impact? Are you including people, programs, projects, and needs that are facilitated by their generosity? What is your USP on why your church is moving to digital giving? What makes your digital giving platform better for donors (vs. you)?


  • A specific teenager whose future will be changed when the church utilizes its resources to engage him or her.
  • Missionary families that will have more medical supplies to aid people in the areas they serve.
  • How an expanded children’s wing will not only reach more kids, but also reach more families

Constructing an effective and thorough Donor EXPERIENCE Map starts with understanding your donors on an instinctive level.

Intro to Donor Mapping

Constructing an effective and thorough Donor EXPERIENCE Map starts with understanding your donors on an instinctive level.

Unfortunately, pastors and non-profit organization (NPO) leaders often have trouble in this area. After all, dealing with people and money is a complicated issue. Many feel uncomfortable in this situation, but if you let uneasiness control your interactions with potential donors, you’ll hurt your ministry or organization’s chance of growing.

What most of us have learned in life, however, is that understanding breeds tenacity and determination. When you understand what your donors are thinking on a primal level, you’re better able to communicate with them. This puts you in a better position to attract new donors, retain existing donors and increase giving revenue.

The fact is that people are giving less, but they are still giving. And when you add in potential disruptions – such as the economic difficulties seen during the COVID-19 outbreak – it becomes apparent that crafting an informed and thorough Donor Journey Map should be a top priority within your church or non-profit organization.

Fortunately, there’s a proven method for doing just that.

Example Pre Launch Announcement Email

Blank and Filled in Simple Donor Map

Something like, “Hey, this Sunday we’re launching a four-week campaign to ignite digital giving in our church. Stay tuned for details”! This alerts people to the fact that a campaign is coming, it will have an end-date, they’ll get more information soon, and you will possibly ask them to participate.