Create Meaningful Donor Experiences
Your Resource Guide for Connecting Your Donor to Your Mission.

Building Your Case
Elijah’s Fatigue: Accepting Our Human Limits
Elijah's Fatigue: Accepting Our Human Limits There is a profound moment in the life of the prophet Elijah that speaks...
Journeying With Jonah: Sitting with Discomfort
Journeying With Jonah: Sitting with Discomfort Discomfort isn't something we welcome with open arms. It’s the prickly fabric against the...
The Unseen Growth: Trusting God’s Work in Stillness
The Unseen Growth: Trusting God's Work in Stillness In the noise of our daily lives, stillness is often unwelcome. It's...
In the Valley: Coping with Spiritual Dry Spells
In the Valley: Coping with Spiritual Dry Spells At some point, every believer walks through a spiritual valley. It’s not...
The Art of Patience: Waiting on God During the Cold Seasons of Our Journey
The Art of Patience: Waiting on God During the Cold Seasons of Our Journey There are moments in life when...
Seasons of the Soul: What Winter Teaches Us About Spiritual Dormancy and Regrowth
Seasons of the Soul: What Winter Teaches Us About Spiritual Dormancy and Regrowth In the natural world, winter is a...