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Increase church Giving? - DonorWerx


Scripted + DonorWerx 

Scripted + DonorWerx  In an effort to make church management easier, DonorWerx has teamed up with several partners who offer quality tools and services. Our…

Scripted + DonorWerx 


Scripted + DonorWerx 

In an effort to make church management easier, DonorWerx has teamed up with several partners who offer quality tools and services. Our criteria for choosing partners is simple: Does this platform offer something of value to church communities? More importantly, can this platform be easily integrated into day-to-day operations and generate real results for churches?

In the case of Scripted, the answer is a resounding yes. Scripted is a platform that streamlines content marketing for organizations that don’t have the time or on-staff expertise to execute a content strategy. Clients can choose from a variety of vetted freelance writers who specialize in diverse industries and writing styles. Whether an organization needs blog content, engaging social posts, email newsletters, or any other written content, Scripted matches clients with their ideal team of writers and manages the entire process.

Your Donors are the Heroes

One of the biggest communication mistakes organizations make is centering themselves too often. Of course, you want your donors to know about all the amazing work the church is doing. But when your content becomes copy-and-paste messages reminding them to donate, or the same weekly volunteer calls in the newsletter, it can feel uninspiring. Instead, your content should regularly uplift your audience and center them – They are the heroes in your story!

When you begin to structure your messaging in this way, your donors can start to understand their role and play it. From the blog articles you write to the newsletter announcements you send, your communications should share a common theme – a thread that weaves everything together toward your mission.

Churches that haven’t found their best communication strategy tend to struggle with:

  • Exhausted staff or volunteers who are trying to keep up with content demands
  • Low engagement from your audience on social media channels
  • Donors who are confused or uninformed about ways they can give
  • Never having a long-term plan (throwing random content up and hoping it sticks)

Scripted writers specialize in branded copywriting, making sure your content, tone, and calls-to-action fit a core theme. All messaging can point back to your mission. This is how your audience grows to know, love, and respond to your communications.

The DonorWerx Approach

The 2017 Trends In Personalization study revealed that 96% of respondents felt personalization helps build customer relationships. While the same goes for church-donor relationships, you aren’t inviting them to buy something. You are personally inviting them to partake in the mission that drives your organization. The more church leaders understand how their donors want to be contacted, the more responsive donors will be. Deep down, donors want to participate, give, and be of service. Often, they just don’t know how.

Our approach to encouraging stewardship involves two primarily elements. First, churches need to make it effortless for donors to give, whether in person, online, via text, or through kiosk. This is how DonorWerx software can radically transform the culture of giving in your congregation. When donating shifts from complicated and burdensome to quick and simple, giving rates will increase naturally.

Second, church leaders need a strategic communications plan that tells the story of their church, not just once, but regularly through different channels. This is where content plays a pivotal role. Organizations that share bits and pieces of their story over time keep their audience engaged in the unfolding process. Storytelling has long been shown to enhance marketing results and powerfully bridge the gap between speaker and listener. With Scripted and DonorWerx combined, churches can ace both their fundraising and marketing goals.

Communicating Better

“Administration (including communication) is a tool for making disciples and part of the mission of the church. Having a plan in place allows you to be better prepared for the changing times. A plan also means there is a method to assess modes of communication and their effectiveness.” – Bryan Haley, Church Juice

As a giving software provider, we’ve seen what an effective communications strategy can do for a congregation of any size. This is why we included communication tools in our software. By teaming up with Scripted, we’re going a step further to allow churches to automate content marketing in a way that supports their fundraising and spotlights their mission. It has never been easier to build a deeper connection with your donors and secure more recurring donors as a result.

Interested in learning more about the DonorWerx giving platform? Learn more about how to simplify digital giving and get your donors excited to take part in your mission.

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