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The Purposeful Donor and the Driven Donor (Types 1 and 3)

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The Purposeful Donor and the Driven Donor (Types 1 and 3)

In this article based on the Enneagram personalities, we examine Type Ones and Threes, who are sometimes mistakenly thought to have similar traits. Both types are efficient, highly organized, and highly task-oriented, and both often set aside their own feelings to get things done.

Their shared desire to improve themselves and meet high standards makes them key donors and supporters in any church. They need pastors who also motivate them and encourage their idealism.

Purposeful Donors strive for perfection and purpose in many of their life goals and get discouraged if they do not meet their own standards. The Driven Donors are more pragmatic, even for church outreach fundraisers.

While the Purposeful Donors are intentional about how to get things done, the Driven Donors are more concerned that it just gets done in the end. They will be more open to new ways of fundraising, as long as the mission and goals of the church are reached. (The Purposeful Donors, however, may seem more reluctant to try new ways, if they have not yet been convinced of their methods.)

Church leaders must be aware that both types can still put their feelings aside for the sake of efficiency, but it is the Type Threes, or Driven Donors, who are better at masking their emotions.

When guiding both types, leaders must have a sense of the deeper feelings, whether obvious or more subtle. Give them space to grow, a hand to hold on their donor journey, and an organization they can trust.

(For more on the other donor personalities, please see our blog and series on the subject.)

Now, let’s recap what the traits of both donors may be:

Type One: The Purposeful Donor

These strong personalities are principled and purposeful. Leaving this world with a positive legacy just might be one of their top priorities.

Most Notable Traits:

  • Self-controlled
  • Perfectionist
  • Always looking for reform
  • Constantly improving their surroundings
  • Advocates for change
  • Humanitarian
  • Known for always showing up

Example Character: The outstanding leader in the Bible, Moses, can be considered a Type One. He was always on some kind of mission, whether as prince of Egypt, a shepherd, or a leader of the Children of Israel.

How to Appeal to the Purposeful Donor

When appealing to the Purposeful Donor, try these tips:

1. Be direct, letting them know exactly what you need and the details of your outreach missions.

2. Demonstrate an immediate need with a sense of urgency and always update your newsletters!

3. Appeal to them through digital giving platforms and easy fundraising options that are efficient.

4. Ask for feedback and ways you can improve the donating process.

Want to find out what more you can do for your Purposeful Donors? Our pastor resources offer practical advice for all church managers and leaders.


Type Three: The Driven Donor

Best known for being adaptable, these types of folks were born to excel. The following traits are often seen in Type Threes, or Driven Donors:

  • On top of their game
  • Powerful speaker
  • Impressive stage presence
  • Workaholic
  • Naturally charming
  • An influencer
  • Gravitates to other high achievers
  • Mentors others

Because of this passion to succeed, Driven Donors can be quite image-conscious. Ensure that your nonprofit or church shows a professional representation of your work, including updated websites and a donor management solution for your pastors and teams.

Ways that Work When Appealing to the Driven Donor

You can count on Driven Donors to be there in your time of need, but only if you have done the work of mentoring and guiding them. Here are some ways to appeal to Type Threes.

1. Appeal to them in your newsletters and church services by stating the exact goals of your mission and giving them detailed, concrete ways to give financial support.

2. Don’t be afraid to be direct when asking for donations. These types of Donors look at proof of outcomes.

3. Host engaging virtual events. Try Zoom meetings, videoconferences, and virtual technology for better communications.

4. Give them responsibilities such as spearheading a volunteer program.

5. Ask them to support by purchasing church merchandise. An online shop or third-party drop-shipping solution can help you with fundraising goals.

How DonorWerx Can Help

At DonorWerx, we strive to provide solutions that meet the particular needs of today’s churches. Much of this is in technology, online support, and pastor programs. We also offer done-for-you communication campaigns and pastor resources.

Without a plan for growing your donors, it is easy to lose focus and not meet your annual church giving goals. Contact us today to find out where you are on your donor journey, and how we can help you go further.

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