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The Best Text-to-Give Platform for Church Tithing and Donations

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The Best Text-to-Give Platform for Church Tithing and Donations

Technology has changed the world in major ways over recent years, and these effects have certainly extended to houses of worship. A move towards digital giving has occurred, for instance, and this means finding the best text-to-give platform is essential. You should obviously understand the importance of online giving, but don’t overlook the potential of text fundraising.

There are numerous options for collecting tithes and donations via text, but with many churches facing financial woes, trial and error simply isn’t an option. Fortunately, the following information can help your ministry make the right choice from the start.

What the Best Text-to-Give Platforms Offer

If you’ve spent any time researching text-to-give options, you’ve no doubt discovered a market flooded with platforms. Some of these cater directly to houses of worship, but many simply promise a quick way to raise funds for any organization. Unfortunately, many of these offerings don’t provide the tools that churches need.

Later in this article, we’ll discuss our choice for the best text-to-give platform out there. Before we get to that point, though, it’s important to understand our reasoning. When you’re choosing the best tool for digital giving for your ministry, it’s important to look for the following offerings.

More Than Text-to-Give

When learning how to get started with online giving, you may have considered several tools to accomplish different goals. Maybe you’re eyeing one vendor for text giving, another to create your online giving page, and still another for a giving app. In reality, the best platforms can offer all these tools. Forget the piecemeal approach and find a holistic platform to use.

Proven Track Record

Every company has to start somewhere. Many of the biggest modern corporations, for instance, started as simple burger stands or in garages. When seeking the best text-to-give platform, though, it’s not your job to support the underdog. Donations and tithes via text need to go through a vendor with a proven track record. Trust a company with a reputation to protect your own.

Reliable Analytics

The best text-to-give platforms are more than just tools to increase donations. They’re also powerful analytical devices. Your church must be able to review donations, contributions per congregant, overall tithing amounts, and many other statistics to improve. When choosing a text-to-give offering, make sure your selection has an in-depth analytics dashboard.

Don’t Sell Your Church Short

You should treat each of these aspects as deal-breakers when choosing the best text-to-give platform. When reviewing your options, though, don’t sell your church short. These offerings are the bare minimum of what your new platform should offer. Take a moment to ask yourself what you want out of tithing via text and find the option that best fits your needs.

How Important is Integration?

Even the world’s best pastors need help, and this extends far beyond text-to-give offerings. One of the biggest questions ministries face is whether their giving platform should integrate with the other resources they use. Certain integrations – such as accounting software and your sprinkler system – obviously wouldn’t make sense. Text-to-give platform integration, however, is essential.

What should this digital giving tool integrate with? To start, your overall giving strategy. Your donation platform should be able to work seamlessly with the donor engagement framework you’re using. This will allow you to make these tools an integral and harmonious element of your overall efforts to increase revenue.

If you’re not currently using a framework that covers every aspect of the donor journey, you’re doing your ministry a disservice. The average church gets 98 percent of its revenue from tithes and donations. This means you need a plan and framework in place to increase your church’s funding. And when you consider the importance of text-to-give platforms, integration is essential.

So, What’s the Best Text-to-Give Platform?

Of all the text-to-give options available, your church will probably most benefit from SecureGive. This offering meets all the aforementioned requirements in addition to providing tools such as kiosk giving, hosting services, social media integration, and much more. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this platform, though, is its seamless integration with the DonorWerx Framework.

It’s impossible to overstate the financial potential of combining donor engagement software with text-to-give offerings. The integration of these tools will convince congregants to give and increase the amount they tithe. The education and consulting provided with the DonorWerx Framework combined with SecureGive turns collecting donations into a hands-off endeavor.

In addition to increasing the revenue a church can bring in, SecureGive also saves money by offering lowered transaction fees, month-to-month contracts, and the creation of a merchant account for your ministry. There are plenty of text-to-give platforms to choose from – many of which stand out in the industry – but you’re unlikely to find an offering that provides as much as SecureGive through the DonorWerx Framework.

Get Started with Text-to-Give Today

COVID-19 lockdowns taught us we cannot depend on in-person tithes and donations any longer. Ministries must offer digital giving options to ensure continuity of operations and increase their overall revenue. We believe SecureGive through the DonorWerx Framework is the best text-to-give platform for your church, and we’re prepared to help you understand why.

Ask yourself what your congregation could do with a 10 percent increase in revenue in just six months. God didn’t call on us to be complacent and accept the status quo. If your church isn’t actively growing, it’s time to make a change. Schedule a Discovery Call with us today to learn why text-to-give is so important and how SecureGive can benefit your ministry.

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