7 Best Church Admin Tools to Help Your Ministry
Are you looking for the best church tithing software for online giving? Then you are in the right place and frame of mind. Those who want to lead their ministries in a new way will need to upgrade their methods of outreach, and administration. This means using improved church admin tools.
You can be the most spiritually-gifted leader, but if you are not in tune with your congregation’s digital needs, your church will lag behind. Remember what the Scriptures tell us:
“Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory.” (Proverbs 11:14)
The apps below are tech tools that will make management, church administration easier.
1. Evernote
It ca be quite the challenge for church leaders to keep up with all the administration work. There are meetings to keep, donors to follow-up on, statistics to track, church activities to lead. With Evernote, organization is streamlined. Users have the possibility to capture, find relevant information, then organize it in one place before sharing across multiple platforms. Administrators with long to-do lists will find it especially helpful to categorize and prioritize their daily tasks. It makes deadlines easier to meet, and nothing gets forgotten.
2. Google Drive
Google Drive is a mainstay of many admin apps. It is perfect for storing large files, and then accessing them anywhere. If you have to share church documents with other members of the team, sending them a link to look at the files is preferable than uploading and downloading the files each time.
Another great use of Google Drive is when you want to share photo albums from church activities, fundraisers, or donor sponsorship events. Simply create your album in the cloud, and then allow folks to access it with a private link. You can always change the privacy and security settings. This is especially useful when sharing documents related to church finances and donors tithes. You want to ensure complete security across all admin levels.
3. Zoom
Who isn’t familiar with this video conferencing app by now? Since the global pandemic began, churches all over the world are using Zoom for meeting virtually. And it’s not just the adults. Schools and youth organizations use it for education meetings as well. This is also a great video conference option for church workshops, talks with your admin staff, or even informal gatherings you would like to host with your church members. Premium Zoom options allow for unlimited time, hundreds of people are able to tune in live to watch together, and the meetings can be recorded for access and editing later. The screen sharing function is helpful when meeting hosts need to share files, read devotionals together, or simply view documents simultaneously.
4. Trello
Trello is a great choice for teamworking on church projects. It has an easy, post-it design that allows work on one outreach project, everyone who is on the team can see the status, add their comments or edits, and be on the same page virtually. lows project management to flow better. If you have multiple team members on your church administration team, an app like Trello is essential for organization.
5. Animoto
Your church marketing program should always include videos. Whether they are clips of your church services, or faith-building video clips to share with your church members and donors. Animoto is great for anyone who is not a trained video editor. Another great use for video is when you want to present a documented mission trip to church members or sponsors. When people have great visuals, when you tell your story across video platforms, the effect is tremendous. They will be more motivated to give and tithe to your church when they understand your mission projects. Animoto also has drag and drop functions, helpful graphics, music, subtitles, and allows you to record your own voiceovers for the edited video.
6. You Tube for live Streaming (and other fun features)
You might already have a church Youtube channel, but now is the time to utilize the livestreaming function. This is a great admin tools when you need to call meetings, give live talks or have discussions with your church management team. Livestreaming also allows subscribers and fans to chat together, leave comments in real time, ask questions, make prayer requests, etc. It is also important for churches to have a good video presence. You can rank higher in online searches, and more folks will be able to find you and support your work.
7. Church Tithing Software
It is essential that your church leaders have an easy way to manage church finances, including people’s tithes. This is a very great responsibility which should not be taken lightly. Having a digital solution for this will make your load as church outreach leaders and managers so much easier. There are plenty of church tithing apps available online which were made especially for Christians to share the word, get more followers, and help people to tithe easily. It is important to find the app that works for you and your team.
Many online giving platforms have this as an included feature, so look out for this type of software before making a decision. Visit our Donorwerx resources page to find out if our tithing app and other church admin tools will meet your ministry’s needs.