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Text-to-Give: Giving Needs to Keep Up With Modernity

giving needs

Stewardship, tithing, and budgets constitute essential aspects of ministry. The functioning of the church, both locally and globally, relies on these financial elements. Of course, the foundation of this is the congregation of the local ministry. Nevertheless, discussions about money in these churches are often met with reluctance.

Crafting and delivering sermons about giving isn’t particularly enjoyable. This is true for the speaker and the audience, especially when they become too frequent. Such sermons can ignite motivation among congregants, but they can also backfire, leaving folks with a perception of constant financial appeals.

Talking about money in church is difficult, so striking the right balance is a delicate task in sermon preparation. So, how can you facilitate conversations about giving and make the act of giving more comfortable for parishioners? The solution might be readily available through your smartphone.


Odds are, your church has likely established a donation method on its website. This method functions adequately but is somewhat time-consuming. Donors are required to create an account, input their credit card details, and navigate through several steps to finalize a transaction.

While suitable for regular contributions, this approach lacks efficiency for instances like conducting impromptu collections during service or fundraising for specific campaigns. The challenge with these special collections is that a significant portion of your congregants might not be prepared to give on the spot.

In contemporary times, some individuals no longer carry physical cash. Also, the idea of using a checkbook is almost antiquated. This is where Text-to-Give steps in to offer assistance.

How It Works

Employing Text-to-Give couldn’t be easier—just like sending a text message. First, establish a donation campaign and circulate the designated text number. Contributors can then initiate a text — specifying the amount they wish to donate — and finalize the entire process within a mere 7 seconds.

The beauty of it lies in its simplicity, and the funds seamlessly flow into your bank account. Additionally, the giver covers the donation expense when settling their wireless bill, streamlining the contribution process further.

In a world driven by mobile communication, this streamlined approach harnesses the power of technology to enhance and simplify the act of giving. It caters to the modern preferences of your congregation while bolstering the financial foundation of your ministry.

How Texting Helps Giving Keep Up

Inherent in most individuals is a desire to assist others. Yet at times, the challenge lies in the uncertainty of how to do so. The ever-changing landscape of who requires aid and the logistics of delivering that assistance can be perplexing.

Therefore, when they are stirred with inspiration and opt to contribute to a cause, Text-to-Give offers congregants an avenue for immediate action.

There exists no time gap during which they might reconsider or inadvertently overlook their intention.  This concept imbues the phrase “seize the moment” with a newfound significance, encouraging timely and resolute support.

When to Use It

Text-to-Give presents an adaptable solution for churches and other nonprofit organizations, suitable for various occasions. While it can certainly be employed for routine donations, its true efficacy emerges when applied to special occasions and targeted initiatives. Below are several scenarios worth contemplating:

Visiting Missionaries

When missionaries make appearances to communicate their passionate work to your congregation, they frequently ignite enthusiasm within your parishioners. However, it’s important to recognize that they are also seeking financial assistance to support their endeavors.

Obtaining backing from individual churches frequently constitutes their primary funding source. During their visits, it’s advisable to establish a code (which can be reused for subsequent missionary visits) and promote it through the bulletin or announcements during the Love Offering collection.

In a parallel vein, missionaries can leverage this tool to create ongoing campaigns themselves. It can be distributed at various events, featured on prayer cards, shared across social media platforms, and much more. This extends its utility for expansive outreach and financial support.

Giving Needs Related to Building Funds

Is your roof overdue for replacement, your driveway showing cracks, or your AC unit on its final stretch? Introducing a Text-to-Give code for your capital improvements campaign can elevate contributions each time the necessity is addressed. Just disseminate the code through a dedicated announcement or within a personalized letter to each member, delineating the pressing requirements.

Community Outreach Events

Extending a helping hand to minister within the community is an excellent method to foster a deeper connection with God and gather souls for the Kingdom. Regrettably, these endeavors necessitate funding. Oftentimes, you need a substantial amount. While you might have a designated budget allocation for outreach, instigating a special collection tailored to a particular event can significantly enhance your financial resources.

Allocate a distinct Text-to-Give code for each event and publicize it in the weeks leading up to the occasion. The supplementary funds garnered can prove pivotal in distinguishing between an ordinary event and one that profoundly impacts the community. Ultimately, this strategy with reach a larger audience.

Compassion Funds

The majority of congregations possess a fund designed to provide assistance to members facing challenging circumstances. This fund serves to cover utilities, food necessities, rent, and medical expenses. Essentially, it helps with anything a member might require due to setbacks like unemployment or disability.

Establishing a dedicated Text-to-Give initiative to bolster this fund proves invaluable. Make sure to complement it by intermittent calls for contributions from members. Whether responding to an urgent requirement or aiming to replenish the fund, the messaging matters.

Don’t forget that this fund also extends its support to areas such as organizing funeral meals or providing sustenance for families post-medical procedures. The resource offers a compassionate means of rallying the community in times of need, fostering a sense of unity and shared support.

The Bottom Line

Augmenting your church’s financial resources not only maintains a balanced budget but also amplifies its impact within the community and beyond. Galvanizing your congregation to contribute to special occasions and visiting missionaries is a straightforward endeavor; the true test lies in translating that enthusiasm into tangible donations.

Enter the Text-to-Give program, a technological solution that streamlines this process and happens to align seamlessly with the giving preferences of millennials. By simplifying the donation process for your members, you have the potential to enhance contributions, potentially reducing the frequency of stewardship and tithing sermons.

To explore further and determine if Text-to-Give aligns with your needs, Schedule a Discovery Call with the giving experts at DonorWerx today. We’re here to provide assistance and guidance tailored to your requirements.


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