
Need help building a comprehensive plan customized entirely for your ministry?

Crypto Donations for Churches and Nonprofits

Designing Your Donor Experience

Don't let tunnel vision block your path to donor centricity. An outsider perspective combined with objective metrics will give you a clear picture of donor engagement. Everything you need for donor development is in one place with DonorWerx


Knowing where to start puts you on the fast track to improving the donor experience

  • Find your baseline by learning the fundamentals of donor centricity.
  • Understanding the DonorWerx Framework is your first step in achieving donor centricity.
  • Once you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, it becomes easier to identify your best path for growth.


Get a better understanding of your donor's preferences and passions to identify ways to increase church giving

  • Your church has its own unique story, but so does your donor database.
  • A little research into data you already have can be invaluable for identifying potential growth opportunities.
  • You can use preexisting data to gain clarity for improving the donor experience, increasing tithing at all levels, and putting a larger focus on donor centricity.


Align your vision with donor passion, speaking their language, and coming to where they are

  • Increased giving requires you to rethink donor engagement based on the 7 types of donors.
  • In your personalized strategic plan, you'll have measurable goals that allow you to track your progress and quantify the effect of being donor-centric.
  • Once you identify your donors' passions and build your message from this place, deeper relationships will come naturally.


Build out your campaign communication calendar by following the proven steps in the DC-7 Framework

  • Good leaders are improved by having a strong and capable staff.
  • Great leaders are able to empower their staff to more effectively execute their given roles.
  • When structuring your communication plan, we'll create roles for both your staff and essential software platforms. Each of these will play an important role in increasing donor centricity.


Launch and continuously monitor your campaign with a customized 90-Day Quick Start Action Plan

  • Before your campaign is launched, your Donor Specialist will work directly with you.
  • They'll verify every step of the process to ensure your cadence, messaging and calls to action are all effective.
  • Your Donor Specialist will continue working with you throughout the entirety of the process.
  • Together you will review progress as you receive support and receive feedback as necessary.

What You Can Expect

7 Key Metrics

The DonorWerx process is cyclical. The process gets started by reviewing 7 key metrics to determine where your initial efforts should focus. Once problem areas are pinpointed, we'll identify possible issues that could be hurting donor engagement. From here we'll help build an effective communication plan.

Review and Respond to Results

Every month, you'll take part in an accountability call that will review important metrics to gauge progress. This will help to decide whether additional attention is needed or if it's possible to move on to the next metric.

Hands-On Growth Support

During the "Call Wrap-Up," your Donor Specialist will answer any questions and address all your concerns. They'll make sure your team has everything necessary to increase tithing and engagement through improved donor centricity.

Could Your Donor Communications Be Hurting Your Giving Numbers?

Have you experienced the following?

  • Updates to your website are long past due.
  • You're having trouble converting givers from "sporadic" to "consistent."
  • You weren't happy with the results of your last giving initiative.
  • The loss of existing donors is outpacing your ability to attract new donors.
  • People rarely read your email newsletter.
  • You don't know what else to try to increase tithing.
  • You've left whether congregants give up to chance.

If any of these describe your situation, a Discovery Call can get you on the right path.

In just 30 minutes, one of our Donor Specialists can give you three concrete steps to take immediately to improve donor centricity and overall giving.

By identifying the roadblocks hindering your efforts, we can help improve your communications strategy so that donors are excited to give.