Transition your Church to the Now Way of Giving
As we transition into more effective ways of reaching our goals and missions, let’s take some time to examine practical solutions. If you have been researching digital giving platforms and would like to take your church to the next level, here are some helpful points to remember.
1. Dedicate time and effort to your platform launch
You may have managers and spiritual guides for many aspects of your church, but it helps to have a team of competent IT folks who provide support during the digital transition. As you change to a giving platform, modes of sending and receiving donations will also change. People may or may not be accustomed to the technology required. You need to highlight the launch so that everyone is aware of the new platform.
Talk about the digital platform during your services, set up events to demonstrate how to use the tech on smartphones, or combine the launch with a prayer meeting. The focus of this meeting would be praying for the church finances, lifting up your donors and supporters in prayer, and making other technical aspects known. When people participate in the implementation of a new project or operation, they are more likely to get behind it wholeheartedly.
Philippians 1:6–And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
2. Creative positive hype about your new giving platform
There is often energy and hype leading up to a launch, but the transition period takes a lot longer. The energy may fizzle or even die out—unless you make to effort to promote and talk about the new way of giving. keep reminding people how easy it is to set up and use the new platform. Mention your digital giving software in newsletters and blogs.
Sometimes folks just need to be spoon fed when it comes to a new way of doing things. Once they have a good handle on how the app works, they will ease into the convenience of giving with modern technology.
Romans 12:2–Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask
One of the foundational Bible scriptures says, “Ask and you shall receive.” The Lord was reminding us that, unless we make our needs known, people might forget or not even be aware of them. Many donors have a lot on their plates. They don’t mind gentle reminders now and then.
Having an app that helps to facilitate their giving and make it easier to contribute is like having an attorney who takes care of legal issues. They want to do it but often don’t know how; they just need guidance. Make appeals to give during your online services, your in-person sermons, and your podcasts or recorded church meetings. Ask for help in your newsletters, on your website homepage, and in every email signature that goes out.
4. Encourage people to focus on Heavenly blessings
With so much anxiety in the world today, your church pastors may wonder if it is even right to ask people to give. What if your flock is suffering financially. or what if many have lost their jobs in the recent crisis? More importantly, what if there is not enough to give tithes this month?
If you have any of the above concerns, go back to what the Scriptures say on giving: remember that you are not asking the church to give to you. You are asking them to support a greater work—God’s work. When they give, their blessing are multiplied many times over. Help your members to keep the heavenly, spiritual vision when giving of their finances and resources.
Malachai 3: 10–Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
5. Make sure your goals are known
How do you formulate your giving appeals? You need to be specific when asking for support. Especially if it requires donors to sign up with a new digital giving tool to support you. Let them know precisely what the needs of the church are, where their donations will go, and how the finances are tracked.
Keep in touch with your members on project updates. When there are church funds used for a project that was made public, let people know. Show them the progress. Get them excited for how far and fast the church is growing.
6. Utilize the Best App Features
As your member learn how to use the giving platform, follow up to see if they are aware of all the in-app features available. You probably spent a considerable amount of time choosing the best one. Now, the next step is to make sure that everyone who is using the app knows all the functions and can transition to using it the way it was meant to be used: for God’s glory.
If you would like to Get started with Donorwerx’s digital giving apps, please click here to schedule a demo call.
During your Discovery Call, we will:
- Identify roadblocks that are causing your
- giving tactics to under-perform.
- Assess your church’s alignment with the “new era” of giving.
- Outline three steps you can take today.
We are happy to help you transition your church giving to the “new way” of giving. We provide full support, advice, and many resources to encourage and strengthen your church.
2 Corinthians 5:17–Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.