Messaging Worksheet
Every church has congregants that give because the Bible tells them to. Unfortunately, they also have those who want to know a reason they should be giving. Additionally, ministries need more than just the traditional tithe of 10% if they’re hoping for continued growth. Offering various ways of giving — ranging from offering plates to cryptocurrency — is certainly important. But it won’t convert non-givers and raise donations without the right messaging.
Utilize the following worksheet when crafting the messages that will be sent to congregants. These steps will work whether you’re creating a church-wide announcement or building a targeted message geared towards appealing to specific subgroups. Never forget that when it comes to messaging, remaining donor-centric should be your primary goal.
Creating the Perfect Message
1. Explain to congregants where their money is going. Does the general fund need to grow in order to cover church repairs? Are you establishing a scholarship to send local teens to college? Whatever your goal, it needs to be clearly stated in your messaging. Write out a specific goal below and a few ideas of how you could convey this in your messaging:
2. Explain other ways congregants can get involved in addition to donations. Do you need help distributing blankets at the homeless shelter? Are the students you’re sending on a mission trip in need of toiletries? Do you need donations for the silent auction funding the food pantry? Write down some other ways congregants can contribute related to your main goal.
3. Explain why congregants should give. It doesn’t hurt to include biblical reasons, but you also want to convey secular justifications. Is there a deadline that must be met? Will a particular project not be completed if a certain funding level isn’t reached? Write down some important reasons congregants should give along with ideas for integrating this into your messaging.
4. Tell donors what they’re getting out of their donation. Many church leaders simply dwell on the promises of rewards in Heaven or even the tax write-off available in April, but don’t be afraid to step outside of the box. Explain how the entire community benefits from a specific mission, or discuss how the church’s ability to fund something helps it offer improved services to congregants. List a few benefits donors receive below.