Calculate Your Giving Metrics

Unless you’re calculating and consistently monitoring your church’s giving metrics, you’ll have no way of knowing whether your efforts are having an effect. These metrics will also help you plan a better budget since you can use this data to anticipate how much revenue your ministry will bring in at any given time.


You can garner all this data directly from the SecureGive app utilized as part of the DonorWerx Framework. When combined with data from non-digital giving, you’ll be able to create a holistic view of your ministry’s progress. What’s even better, though, is you’ll have the capability of monitoring the effectiveness of your transition to digital giving.

Calculating Your Giving Metrics (Example)

First-Time Givers: 27

Repeat Givers: 137

Percentage Digital: 37%

Percentage Recurring: 27%

The first four metrics are among the most important for measuring the effectiveness of your campaign. You want these numbers to increase as time goes on. More congregants should become first-time givers, and one-time givers should convert to repeat givers. An increasing digital percentage also equates to higher giving numbers, and your recurring percentage will show how many congregants are signed up for automatic contributions.

Calculate Donor Retention: 125%

The percentage of recurring donors is calculated with the following equation: [Total # Returning Donors (current year donors) / Total # Prior Donors (prior year)] x 100. While congregants may come and go, this statistic will give you an idea of whether giving in your church is increasing year-over-year. A rate of 100% signifies stability. Anything over that signifies growth.

Giving Cycles:


Graphical data is created within the SecureGive app to help you identify giving cycles. This will allow you to pinpoint the time of the year - or even month - when donations fluctuate.

Current Congregation Engagement:86.7%

Potential/Existing Donors:25/164

Congregation engagement and your potential/existing donor data will show the effectiveness of your overall efforts. Potential donors are adults in your ministry with the ability to give, and existing donors are those that do so. To calculate engagement, the following equation can be used: Total # Donors / (Potential + Existing Donors). Your goal should be a congregation engagement close to 100 percent.

Calculating Your Giving Metrics

First-Time Givers:

Repeat Givers:

Percentage Digital:

Percentage Recurring:

Calculate Donor Retention:

Giving Cycles:

Current Congregation Engagement:

Potential/Existing Donors: