10 Truths about Church Tithing You Must Know
Maintaining a healthy ministry requires consistent church tithing from your parishioners. Ministry leaders who aren’t super involved in finances, however, might not realize just how vital this biblical duty is for the congregation. And among those who do recognize the importance, many haven’t noticed just how tight money might be in the coming months.
The emergence of COVID-19 caused many houses of worship to temporarily close, and some church members are still wary about returning. This new reality demands a change in how things are done. Once you understand the following facts about church tithing, you’ll agree that the time for transformation is now.
1. People are Tithing Less
Church attendance has been going down for years, but even among those who do attend, giving isn’t what it used to be. One report found that – during the last recession – tithing reached levels not seen since the Great Depression. Unfortunately, COVID-19 thrust us right into another economic downturn.
As more people opt to not attend services, church leaders must garner increased contributions to make up for lowered attendance. It’s important to remember that all congregants are different. Methods that get women to tithe more to the church, for instance, might not work for men. At DonorWerx, we can help you better communicate with various parishioner types.
2. Most Revenue Comes from Church Tithing

Many church leaders see tithing as just one part of their income stream. For most houses of worship, however, it’s more than just another cog in the wheel. In fact, 98 percent of all ministry revenue comes directly from tithes and donations. This means that – if church tithing is subpar in your ministry – there aren’t many ways you can make up for the deficit.
3. Many Parishioners Question Where Money Goes
One of the most cited reasons for Christians not tithing is that they’re unsure where the money goes. This means one of the most important changes that can increase church giving is simply being upfront and showing how monetary contributions are helping.
It all comes down to open communication with your congregation. If there’s a budget shortage, tell them directly. If one of your ministries is taking on a new project, share that information. It also helps if you can share proof (e.g. videos, photos) that congregants’ money is going towards good causes.
4. Most Churches Can’t Take Virtual Tithes
With church tithing and attendance going down, it’s imperative that ministry leaders use every platform available to collect money. This means thinking outside of the traditional collection plate and moving towards digital giving. Unfortunately, fewer than half of churches have the capability of accepting virtual donations.
This is certainly one of the most disheartening church tithing facts you’ll encounter. There are various options that make digital giving a simple process, so there’s little excuse for not utilizing this resource. At DonorWerx, we provide the tools you need to accept virtual donations in addition to helping you improve engagement. Contact us today for more information.
5. Surveying Can Increase Tithing
Church leaders who do not utilize surveys are doing their congregation a disservice. Statistics show that you can increase virtual tithing through surveying, but the benefits extend far beyond the digital world. While learning more about parishioners to properly segment them for better messaging is ideal, even simple surveys that ask what you could be doing better can be invaluable.
6. The Bible Says Do More Than Tithing

Church tithing refers directly to the 10 percent of our income the Bible says we should give. In reality, this is just a baseline. It’s the minimum amount we’re asked to give. Most people who tithe give even more, and there’s a direct justification for this in the Bible:
“One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:24-25).
The Bible tells us to give generously. When you hear the term “church offering,” it’s not supposed to reference tithing. An offering is what you give in addition to your expected tithe. God rewards those who give generously and joyously. Church tithing should be seen as an opportunity – not as a chore.
7. Many Churches Have No Savings
Since the majority of church income stems directly from tithing, the fact that many ministries have no savings is directly related. Around one-third of American churches don’t have any money saved in case of emergencies, and the folly of this became apparent when COVID-19 started spreading.
Without savings to fall back on, many houses of worship can only survive if they maintain current levels of church tithing. Since many people aren’t attending in-person services, though, experts predict 5 percent of ministries will close down during 2020. Churches without any savings that don’t use digital giving tools could find themselves within this statistic.
8. People are Tithing Outside of the Church
One of the reasons church tithing is decreasing is because people are giving their money elsewhere. Some folks believe that giving in the name of the Lord is all that’s necessary for tithing, and if they’re donating to certain charities, they’re certainly meeting this prerequisite in their minds.
What many don’t understand is that tithes are typically supposed to help the ministry. Most biblical verses, for instance, speak about giving directly to local churches. This means additional donations – such as to homeless or hunger charities – should be made as an offering in addition to tithes.
9. Digital Giving to Churches is Increasing
If you’re not sold on the idea of digital giving, you should know that 15 percent of all church tithing now takes place via digital platforms. This includes donations made via a church’s website, text-to-give tools, and ministry mobile apps. In fact, giving via text is now a multi-billion dollar industry.
In addition to tools for better communicating with your congregation, DonorWerx provides all of these digital giving tools. The world of giving is changing, so it’s essential that you keep up. Contact us today to learn more about the “now way” of church tithing.
10. You Need More Than Virtual Tithing

Online giving statistics show just how important virtual tithing is, but you must do more than just offer a digital way of contributing. When people cannot attend in-person services – regardless of the reason – they must be able to garner the same feeling of inspiration they’ve grown accustomed to.
This makes it important to provide sermons online, but only about 20 percent of ministries live stream their services. What’s worse is that just below half even bother posting the sermons online after the fact. This has got to change if ministries want to maintain or increase current church tithing levels.
Strive to Increase Church Tithing Now
These facts and statistics may paint a bleak picture for the Christian ministry, but you should view these realities more as an opportunity. While attendance was already dropping and COVID-19 changed the world of worship, there are proven ways your ministry can increase church tithing and survive unprecedented times.
Our goal at DonorWerx goes above simply ensuring your ministry survives – we want to see it thrive. Contact us today for a free Discovery Call, and we’ll help you understand various ways you can increase giving, improve engagement, and better live up to the plan God has laid out for you.