10 Great Christian Memes to Share
Part of being a pastor these days is taking advantage of new themes and trends – and there’s nothing trendier out there in the world than memes! You only have to take a quick glance at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to see just how important memes are. These simple images and text distill complex messages into powerful, concise forms. And since many followers of Christ are tech-savvy, it was only a matter of time before Christian memes became all the rage.
Memes can have a great deal of impact and are easy for all age groups to understand. Whether they are teenagers or adults, your parishioners can get a lot of laughs – and a lot of thoughts – over a good meme. Luckily enough, there are a ton of great Christian memes out there to share with your congregation! Here are some of our favorites.

It takes one of the most famous lines from the infamously terrible movie The Room to make an amusing, engaging joke about the placement of the Book of Matthew within the bible. The best part about this one? You might attract some people who may not think the church is on top of some of these cultural touchstones. Don’t get surprised if you see some new faces there wondering about the church cool enough to quote The Room!
We’ve all been there! Use this variation on the popular Spider-Man meme (from the old The Amazing Spider-Man animated television series) to point out an amusing, harmless popular situation within a church service. Parishioners of all ages should love this funny take-off on an everyday happening.
One of the most famous stories in the bible? Jesus turning water into wine. Remind your parishioners of this famous story and give them a good chuckle (thanks to some fortuitous grocery store product placement) with this amusing and entertaining meme.

Now, who wouldn’t start laughing at this? People of all ages love dinosaurs, and the story of Noah is one of the more well-known tales in the bible. This hilarious, perfectly-constructed meme delivers plenty of engagement for all audiences. Kids will adore the dinosaur costume, and it’ll allow adults to explain the message and meaning behind this particular meme. Along with that, teens and adults will enjoy the spectacle and absurdity of the paddleboarding dinosaur costume.

How creative is this meme? The story of Jonah and the whale – just like the prior one with Noah – is one of the most well-known passages in the bible. It comes to life with vivid color and amusing description in this fun meme, with the help of an emoji and some fancy in-phone designing. After sharing this meme, you can bet some of your congregation will try to recreate it!

The brilliance of this great Christian meme lies in the inherent absurdity. It mixes three stunning, wallpaper-ready images – of the Aurora Borealis, a beautiful mountain sky, and the Milky Way galaxy – with something mundane and delicious. Yes, God created incredible natural wonders and the entirety of the universe. He also created those everyday treats for us to enjoy, like a pile of tasty chicken fingers and salty fries. It illustrates the total nature of His glory and creation.

Cute animals – always a draw. Again, this amusing and adorable meme finds a way to shine a spotlight on one of those everyday awkward situations that every parishioner finds themselves in once and a while. It’s a harmless way to get a little laugh and some amusement out of the bulk of your congregation. Think of these as something from Curb Your Enthusiasm, just without the misanthropy.

Is there a more popular meme in the world than the famous shot of Homer Simpson disappearing into the bushes? It’s so famous that the creators of The Simpsons even referenced it on their show – around 25 years after the episode it actually appeared in aired! Therefore, it only seems right to use its notoriety point out the “Hey, where did they go?” element of every church service. D’oh!

Hey, it checks out! Give your entire parish a good chuckle with this funny – and true – bit about Moses, tablets, and “the cloud.” It might take your parishioners a second or two to figure it out – but when they do, they’ll start laughing!

The Simpsons is always a great draw for meme references. In this case, it makes use of one of the show’s most famed and most righteous characters – Homer’s steadfastly Christian neighbor Ned Flanders – to deliver an important and amusing point about staying strong in the face of the unfortunate elements that clog up social media.