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How Bible Jeopardy Can Simplify the Gospel

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Introducing Bible Jeopardy, a thrilling game that ignites friendly competition among kids, all while enhancing their knowledge of biblical facts. Pastors and youth leaders often devote years to studying Scripture, but conveying that wisdom to children can be challenging. Frequently, the references we provide simply slip past their young ears.

However, fear not! We have an enjoyable solution that ensures everyone remembers while catering to different age groups. Additionally, we offer alternative approaches to accommodate varying preferences and abilities.

How to Play Bible Jeopardy

Church leaders, you already understand the enjoyment this game brings. However, its benefits extend beyond mere entertainment. Bible Jeopardy serves as a valuable tool for testing and reinforcing biblical knowledge within youth groups or small gatherings. By incorporating healthy competition, participants are motivated to excel in their understanding of the Scriptures.

For those unfamiliar with the game, let’s go over the straightforward rules.

First and foremost, you’ll need a grid. Place point values at the top of the grid, starting at 100 and increasing by increments of 100 (e.g., 200, 300, 400, 500). On the left side, allocate space for the categories. It is recommended to have four to six categories to ensure smooth gameplay.

Now, it’s time for some point-and-click action.

The starting player selects a category and chooses a point value block. The intersection they select determines the question they’ll face. Each intersection should contain a question specific to its category. As the point values increase, the questions should become more challenging.

If the player answers the question correctly, they earn the points assigned to that intersection. That particular section is then removed from play.

Continue this process until all the questions have been answered. The player with the highest point total at the end emerges as the winner!

Additionally, you have the option to include a bonus round called Double Jeopardy. In this round, each team wagers a certain number of points from their overall score. If they answer the bonus question correctly, they receive double the points they wagered. However, if they answer incorrectly, they lose only the points they initially wagered, not double.

Bible Jeopardy is not only an engaging game but also a valuable learning experience. It promotes teamwork, memory retention, and friendly competition while deepening biblical knowledge.

Common Categories

We embrace all approaches to playing Bible Jeopardy. Here, you’ll discover a selection of general and commonly used categories to get you started. Additionally, we’ll introduce a few alternative ways to play that are definitely worth exploring.

Biblical Heroes (or Villians)

In Bible Jeopardy, the category “Famous Figures” is a popular choice. It allows exploration of well-known individuals from Scripture, with customizable difficulty levels. Questions can range from simple, like who cast Adam out of the garden, to more challenging, such as the builder of the first cities.

Another example is Jesus commanding someone to come out of the tomb (Lazarus). If you need more inspiration, check out this informative article on heroes of faith. Enjoy the diverse array of names and stories available for this category!

Books of the Bible

This category is more direct. For instance, ask which book features someone spending the night in a den of lions. Certain books will be more challenging, serving as higher-scoring questions. For instance, inquire about the last epistle written by Paul.


An exciting alternative way to play Bible Jeopardy involves incorporating a map. Later in this article, we’ll delve more into this variation (Mapping Out the Bible). In the meantime, consider the numerous renowned cities and locations featured in Scripture, such as Eden, Jerusalem, and Corinth.

The possibilities for this category are nearly as abundant as those in the heroes category. In this version of the game, focus on asking questions about the events that took place in specific cities.

Old Testament and New Testament

Considered the most general category, this game variation involves stating a name, story, or book from Scripture and asking whether it belongs to the New or Old Testament. It offers a broad range of possibilities. To challenge a younger crowd, you can include Hebrews as a resource for tougher questions.

Bible Jeopardy Alternative Gameplay

Apart from the common categories, focused alternatives offer valuable variations. These include seminary studies and adapting the game for a younger audience. Additionally, there are five notable alternatives worth considering.

For Theology Groups

Theology, spanning church history with its vast array of specific terms and topics, is a complex category in Bible Jeopardy. It provides ample material for students to study and expand their knowledge. For an even more intense experience, those studying Koine Greek could form a group and create parsing categories or engage in a vocabulary game entirely in Greek. Biblehub’s interlinear tool could prove helpful for this purpose.

For Young (Super Young) Children

For Vacation Bible School (VBS), consider incorporating a simplified version of Bible Jeopardy, which can be a delightful and educational addition to occupy a significant portion of the day. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of the young age group’s limited comprehension of abstract ideas.

Keep the game simple by focusing on categories featuring well-known figures or obvious traits of God, such as love or forgiveness. Ask straightforward questions like the number of books in the Bible or the birthplace of Jesus.


Theme-based Bible Jeopardy games are reminiscent of the theology alternative, as they provide a way to explore consistent themes throughout Scripture. It’s an excellent opportunity to highlight the attributes of God, drawing inspiration from the creed proclaimed in Exodus 34. Themes such as holiness, love, miracles, or any other concepts you can think of can add variety to the game and offer a fresh approach to studying the Bible.

Memory Verses (Two Play Variations)

There are two ways to explore this play style. Firstly, you can transform the questions into verses, and the answer will require reciting the verse itself. Alternatively, you can recite the verse and have the players respond with the corresponding verse number. By mixing and matching these approaches, you can create a truly challenging experience for the group.

Mapping Out the Bible

This variation of play offers a significant variation. In addition to the grid, you’ll need a map, which could feature Jerusalem, all of Israel, or even the entire Mediterranean. Start with easier questions by asking players to place cities directly on the map. As the questions become more challenging, see if they can locate specific event locations.

For a fun twist, end the game with a double jeopardy question that presents a bit of a hoax. For example, ask where Eden was located (with the answer being unknown). It adds an exciting element to the game’s conclusion.

Go Forth and Play!

Unleash your creativity and relish in the versatility of Bible Jeopardy. With numerous play styles available, you’ll never tire of this game. In a worst-case scenario — if you can’t come up with custom categories — purchasing the game is always an option.

However, if your church lacks the funds for additional resources, consider exploring the DonorWerx framework. The system’s digital giving software combined with built-in donor engagement strategies makes acquiring funds easier, opening up new possibilities.

Who knows, a Bible Jeopardy night could become a growing event. And with the additional revenue you’ll raise, it could eventually lead to a grand Bible Jeopardy tournament. How exciting and enjoyable that would be!

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