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How to Convert Facebook Likes into Donations

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How to Convert Facebook Likes into Donations

Just about every organization has realized the importance of social media engagement. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that engagement on social media automatically means more donations. In reality, social media engagement in the form of likes and comments can certainly correlate with higher collection rates. This isn’t always causal, though, so it’s time you learn how to convert Facebook likes to donations.

To put it in more simple terms, although seeing higher engagement rates is good for many reasons, getting a lot of likes or comments on your latest Facebook post doesn’t mean you can expect more donations, too. However, if you have a highly engaged audience or you’re willing to work for one, there are tactics you can use to help encourage your audience to donate.

Know What You Should Be Sharing

The type of content you share is the first deciding factor in whether or not it encourages those who engage with it to consider donating to your organization. In general, if you want to see more donations as a result of engagement on social media, you need to be bringing up the opportunity to donate in some form or another, and then inspiring people to pursue the opportunity.

However, it’s all a matter of balance. You don’t want every post, or even every other post, to be asking for money or talking about donations. People will never engage if they feel you’re always after them for something. With that said, you should occasionally weave in posts about your upcoming fundraising campaigns and the organization’s goals.

When posting such content, do so in a manner that doesn’t so much ask for donations as it does appreciate those who do give to you already. Likewise, posting direct acknowledgments for donors is another good way to bring donations to the forefront of your audience’s mind on social media.  

Respond When People Interact

You can also encourage more engagement by responding when people interact with your content. This will also help take your social media to the next level. If people constantly leave comments you never respond to, interactions will eventually slow down. Your organization should feel accessible and friendly, and failing to interact with your audience on social media will leave the opposite impression.

It should only take a few minutes each day to check your social media channels. That’s even if you respond to a few comments that people leave. And if they aren’t asking questions, there are always ways that you can acknowledge the comments. This ensures everyone feels recognized. You’ll also build a rapport this way. And not just with the person you respond to — but with everyone who sees you interacting with followers.

People seeing your organization interact will have other benefits as well. They will be even more inclined to engage themselves. This can kick start great discussions on your page and help build community. Going the extra mile and looking for ways to ask questions in your posts will encourage the community to chime in. They’ll offer their opinions — which will encourage additional engagement.

Focus on Producing Great Content

While considering the fact that you need to weave in donor acknowledgments, campaign updates, and other donation-related content, you should also be posting to all of your social media channels on a regular basis, covering meaningful content that isn’t directly related to donations.

Consider behind-the-scenes content and other posts that help give your audience a peek into the work you do. These posts really help to highlight the work that you do on a day-to-day basis. They also reinforce your branding efforts and make your organization appear more authentic and personable.

Think of making introductions to your team members and top volunteers. Include pictures of your latest projects or recent events — these are great for social media channels. Ultimately, though, no matter what you’re sharing, you should be focused on telling your organization’s story in a compelling manner.

It’s About More Than Converting Facebook Likes!

Exhibiting passion about your mission is a surefire way to get people to back your cause. This can be in the form of engagement on the platform, monetary donations, and even through volunteer work. Wait until you start to see these forms of engagement more and more. Then you’ll know that you are headed in the right direction with your content.

Of course, converting Facebook likes is only one part of the puzzle. To increase your overall donations, you need a solid giving strategy in place. Schedule a Discovery Call with the experts at DonorWerx today. We’ll tell you how you can increase giving by 10% in just six months. Oh, and did we mention the call is free?

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