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6 Tips On Effectively Delegating Leadership Style

effectively delegating leadership style

Try These Tips Out

Many church leaders today are overwhelmed with all the job responsibilities they have. Not only are they spiritual leaders, but they often have a lot of administration work to handle as well.

How and when should you adopt a delegating leadership style? And what is a good balance when trying to achieve one? Let’s try to dig deeper into this topic.

As a pastor, the delegating leadership style helps you have more freedom in your time and duties. Plus, it gives your staff and teammates more autonomy in their work.

A Step-by-Step Approach to Better Leadership Delegation

To employ this approach, you need to be entirely clear and focused on your church mission and goals and make sure that all of your team members and managers are crystal clear on it as well. This is how you can achieve the desired results.

It also requires deep trust, sharp communication skills, and openness on all managerial levels.

Let’s examine what a delegating leadership style looks like. Keep in mind that this may vary from church to church. The main aim of this article is to give you a foundation on which to build on.

Employing this approach entails providing the individual with the bigger picture, then trusting them to deliver agreed-upon results. Then, once you decide to delegate, trust that the persons to whom you gave the responsibility will be able to handle it effectively.

Here are six practical tips for an effective delegating leadership style:

Know when to turn over control

You should prioritize your tasks and then limit yourself from doing the ones which have already been delegated. You will come across as too controlling if you assign work but then take it back.

Always keep your team aware of the big picture

Focusing on your “why” (essentially, your church outreach mission) will help everyone stay on the same page. Even though the tasks may vary, the overall goal is the same.

Allow people to decide

The only way to be a good leader is to trust your followers that they are on the same path. If this requires them to make crucial decisions, show your trust in their capabilities.

Know when to monitor activities, and when to step back

Your team needs breathing space. Ask them to also let you know when you may overstep certain boundaries. A humble leader is more effective when they consider the feelings and opinions of all members.

Stay accessible even from a distance

Let your teams know that even if you may delegate specific physical tasks, they can always count on you for prayer requests or a listening ear. Remain accessible to your people, even via digital platforms or easy online management solutions.

Understand the benefits of delegation

Then, once you understand it, find the practical solutions that meet your problems. Finally, seek to improve your quality of life with better time management tools.

More On Finding Your Delegation Leadership Style

Leaders should strive to adapt their approach according to the needs of the church and the individuals for whom they are spiritually responsible. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

· Allow employees the liberty and space to have a say when planning outreach or fundraising activities.

· When organizing a high-visibility event, choose teammates who have performed well in the past and organized similar outreach programs. They give them the freedom to contribute to the church’s success using these strengths and capabilities.

· Identify your best, highest-performing employees and give them tasks that match their strengths.

· Show interest in your team’s strengths, getting behind them for the greater good of your missions.

How DonorWerx Can Help

If you, like many pastors we know, are finding it hard to develop your donors effectively, we are here to help with practical solutions. Learn why you may be hurting your own chances of growing the ministry and how your leadership styles may be contributing to financial problems in the church.

At DonorWerx, we have worked with numerous churches around the globe and are geared to helping you measure and meet success.

The DonorWerx online courses teach the essential communication skills that every church leader needs to know to attract new donors and retain existing donors. Our blog will give you practical tips which you can enact daily and watch your revenue increase.

Want purposeful donor communication and powerful giving software? Contact us today to find out how you can align your ministry and create a donor experience that increases donor engagement. This is a challenging journey, but you don’t have to walk it alone. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.

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