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The Importance of Staff Giving In Your Church

staff giving in your church

Staff Giving Is Just As Important As Congregants Giving…

That’s the perspective shared by Dr. David McKinley from Warren Baptist Church. Our previous conversation with Dr. McKinley revolved around a pivotal choice he faced when his projections for his church’s capital campaign fell short. Now, we’ve revisited him to uncover another approach he employs to establish a culture of giving in his congregation.

Dr. McKinley’s stance on staff giving becomes evident as soon as new members join the church team. He underscores this principle during their onboarding process.

“We need to consistently and intentionally emphasize this concept, and we must continually raise the bar for accountability. In our church, it’s a requirement for anyone assuming a leadership role to exhibit a credible history of giving.”

While he remains unaware of specific donation amounts, Dr. McKinley underscores the importance of verifying whether staffers contribute to the church before they assume roles of responsibility. He believes it’s unjust to have someone who hasn’t contributed financially to the church participate in board meetings where financial decisions are discussed and shaped.

So, how can you make sure staff giving is setting an appropriate example for other congregants? Read on.

Why Must Church Staff Members Tithe?

Ensuring that church staff members tithe, just like other congregants, is a reflection of the principles of equality, commitment, and unity within the faith community. This practice holds significant importance for several reasons, each of which contributes to the overall spiritual and operational well-being of the ministry. First and foremost, tithing by church staff members sets an example of faithfulness and devotion to the congregation.

When those in leadership positions model consistent giving, it reinforces the idea that financial contributions are not just a duty but a genuine act of worship and obedience to God’s teachings. This example can inspire other congregants to view tithing not as an obligation, but as a meaningful and integral aspect of their faith journey. Furthermore, tithing by staff members demonstrates a shared commitment to the ministry’s mission and vision.

Just as congregants’ tithes contribute to the church’s ability to carry out its ministries and community outreach, staff members’ tithes symbolize their dedication to the church’s overall mission. This alignment of purpose strengthens the unity within the church, as both leaders and congregants work together to fulfill the common goals of spreading the message of faith, offering support to those in need, and fostering a sense of community.

Incorporating staff members into the practice of tithing also promotes transparency and credibility. When leadership participates in the same financial commitments as the rest of the congregation, it builds trust and ensures that the funds collected are being managed responsibly and ethically. This accountability fosters a culture of stewardship and responsible resource management, enhancing the congregation’s confidence in the church’s leadership.

How to Motivate Staff Giving in Church

Church leaders can effectively motivate staff members to tithe by fostering a culture of stewardship, leading by example, and communicating the spiritual significance of giving. Firstly, creating an environment where stewardship is valued helps staff understand the profound impact their financial contributions have on the church’s ministries and outreach efforts. Leaders can regularly share stories of lives changed and communities transformed through tithes, emphasizing how each contribution directly furthers the church’s mission.

Leading by example is paramount. When leaders consistently and openly tithe, it sends a powerful message of commitment and faithfulness. This transparency not only inspires staff but also demonstrates authenticity in their leadership. Personal testimonies about the blessings and spiritual growth that arise from tithing can resonate deeply with staff members, encouraging them to embrace this practice as a source of spiritual enrichment.

Effective communication is key. Leaders should clearly articulate the spiritual reasons behind tithing, highlighting its significance in cultivating a closer relationship with God and supporting the church’s purpose. Regular discussions, sermons, or workshops on the biblical principles of giving can enlighten staff on the theological foundations of tithing, making it a more purposeful and heartfelt practice.

Furthermore, leaders can provide resources and tools that aid staff in managing their finances, demonstrating care for their well-being beyond the workplace. Recognizing and appreciating the contributions of tithing staff members through acknowledgment and prayer reinforces the sense of community and shared purpose.

How to Make Your Staff Part of the Solution

Motivating your staff to give is important. However, this shouldn’t be where your goals end. While staff giving certainly improves the odds of congregants tithing appropriately, your staff can do so much more. That’s because they’re the frontline of any new giving strategy that you undertake. For instance, your trusted staff members will play a pivotal role when you’re rolling out the DonorWerx Framework in your ministry.

The simple fact is that church employees and volunteers are so much more than just a source of revenue. They’re partners in your ministry, and their actions and messaging will resonate. Want to learn more about how this can increase giving in your ministry? Schedule a Discovery Call with a giving expert at DonorWerx today. We’ll show you how to increase giving by 10% or more in just six short months.

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