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5 Steps to Increasing Women Tithing in Your Church

this 5-step approach

Churches have long assumed that men are the primary decision-makers when it comes to tithing. However, recent research suggests that ministry leaders should focus on women’s tithing to increase church revenue. Studies have shown that the median income of women more than doubled from 1980 to 2018, leading to greater financial independence for single and married women alike. By following these five easy tips, churches can capitalize on this trend and quickly boost their tithing from women.

1. Offer Church Programs Women Enjoy

Did you know that weekly church attendance is higher among women than men, with 40% of women attending compared to 32% of men? Moreover, 60% of women consider religion to be very important in their lives, while only 47% of men feel the same. As a result, it is clear that women make up a significant portion of committed churchgoers. To increase their giving, however, it is crucial to offer them value.

One way to do this is by providing activities and programs that cater to their interests and preferences. While there is plenty of research available on this topic, it is important to understand that every congregation is unique. Instead of making assumptions, consider conducting a survey of your women’s ministry to identify what activities and programs they would find most enjoyable.

2. Women Leadership = Women Tithing

The majority of households have women as the decision-makers when it comes to spending, with 90% of them having the final say. By appointing women to leadership positions in the church, you communicate that their contributions are valuable. This is a crucial step in boosting tithing among the female members of your congregation.

It’s worth noting that leadership roles don’t have to be equated with ordination. Even if your ministry only ordains men as pastors, there are still numerous leadership opportunities that women can take on in the church. Some examples include:

  • Sunday School Director
  • Church Treasurer
  • Women’s Ministry Coordinator
  • Missionary Director
  • Church Officers
  • Administrative Staff

Cultivating a culture that celebrates both genders is important if your church allows for the ordination of women. However, if it does not, investing in opportunities that provide women with the necessary skills to become active contributors is crucial. When individuals feel like they are part of the action rather than just watching from the sidelines, they are more likely to contribute more.

3. Tell How Giving Is Changing Women’s Lives

Sharing a touching story is more effective than a simple request when it comes to increasing tithing in church, especially among women. They want to see their contributions’ impact and feel they are making a difference. By sharing personal testimonies of how other women have benefited from their giving, women are more likely to continue contributing.

These stories can be shared through various channels such as newsletters, programs, social media strategies, and from the pulpit. However, it’s important to make the stories personal and relatable. For example, sharing a story of how tithing helped a single mother during a difficult month or how a niece of a church member turned her finances around by starting to tithe again can touch people’s hearts and increase their willingness to give.

These personal stories connect with the struggles and experiences of many women, and when they see the impact of their giving on the lives of other sisters in Christ, they are more likely to contribute generously.

4. Simplify Giving

The hardworking nature of women can be seen through the biblical stories of Esther, Miriam, Huldah, Lydia, and Ruth. However, modern women also appreciate simplicity. According to online giving statistics, 60% of congregants prefer to give digitally. While this statistic is not gender-specific, studies suggest that women’s giving patterns are likely similar.

For example, 58% of female millennials make most of their purchases online. This group is significant as they were projected to become the largest age demographic in America in 2019. Additionally, almost 8 out of 10 Americans now engage in online commerce.

To increase women’s giving in the church, it is crucial to offer digital giving options. This can include options on the church’s website and even text-to-give campaigns. DonorWerx provides this ability so that church leaders can focus on creating an environment where women feel valued, rather than worrying about how to tithe.

5. Become Missions and Family Oriented

Each group of people in your ministry is unique, including the female congregants. However, one trend that is generally true is that programs focused on family and missions tend to be very popular among women. Nevertheless, preferences can vary depending on the individual.

Married women typically prefer family-oriented programs, while single women tend to prefer programs that focus on missions. To appeal to each of these groups and increase women’s giving, your ministry should offer programs that cater to both objectives. Check out this guide for ideas on mission outreach and this guide for family outreach ideas.

As these programs have consistently proven to be popular among female congregants, offering them can help increase women’s giving. In fact, single-female households donate 57% more than single-male households, and their contributions are similarly higher in other demographics. Boosting tithes from women could be one of the smartest things your ministry ever does.

Increase Women’s Tithing Today!

Although some churches may still view ministry as a man’s domain, there is no denying that women shoulder a significant portion of the responsibility. If women were to stop attending, more than half of the congregations in houses of worship across the country would disappear! This is a fact that must never be overlooked.

Therefore, it is crucial to make efforts to increase women’s tithing in your church. You can take your first step by Scheduling a Discovery Call with DonorWerx today. In just minutes, our giving experts can show you how to gain a minimum 10% increase in tithing in just six months with a few basic steps. The call is free, so you have nothing to lose.

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