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Online Giving: What Church Software Supports It?

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Indeed, there exists a plethora of resources catering to churches and nonprofits in search of online giving software. Many of these tools are comendable, and some even warrant further exploration. Nevertheless, in contrast to these alternatives, DonorWerx furnishes a streamlined avenue for church members to contribute and offers consultations and remedies for enhancing donation levels.

Now that you’re acquainted with the array of available software, how do you discern the optimal digital giving solution for your church? The landscape of trends evolves incessantly, making it challenging to discern the most effective approach. This article offers insightful perspectives into the digital fundraising trends of 2019, underscoring key considerations for churches as they navigate the quest for online donation software this year.

Online Giving Trends for 2019

In 2017, charitable giving statistics showed Americans donated $410 billion, a 5% rise from the previous year. Despite this growth, churches struggle to retain and attract donors. This reality highlights a challenge: Americans only contribute an average of 2.4% of their income, and a significant portion (33-50%) of church attendees don’t give at all.

A remedy is sought. In 2019, this involves employing a platform that offers pertinent and individualized communication. Recognize that not all church members can contribute equally and tailor your approach accordingly. Online donation software facilitates diverse giving categories and personalized communication, forging a more intimate connection with each congregant.

Do you recall the phrase “There’s an app for that”? It remains true. The trend of utilizing church-giving apps persists. Selecting a digital giving software with various trending options is pivotal. This entails opting for a solution that encompasses app-based, text-to-give, and kiosk-based giving, akin to an ATM for donating instead of withdrawing.

Trends Beyond Apps

An additional trend involves promoting recurring contributions using digital software. Why is this noteworthy? As stated in our trends article, “Churches often heavily depend on pledges to structure their upcoming year’s budget.

Transitioning from weekly offerings and pledges to automated recurring giving presents substantial advantages, including dependable funds and the capacity for precise church planning.

Establishing an engaged recurring donor network necessitates a dedication to technology, coupled with an engagement strategy that consistently connects donors to the church.”

The Most Important Trend

Lastly, my preferred trend revolves around the capacity for giving categorization. This liberates pastors and ministry staff from concentrating solely on basic overhead necessities, permitting them to dedicate their focus to the church’s mission.

Through software enabling diverse giving categories—or dedicating a distinct category each week—ministry leaders can convey the church’s vision and encourage congregants to participate in it.

In summary, to remain at the forefront of charitable giving trends this year and potentially witness elevated church tithes and donations, these are the crucial features to seek in your online donation software:

  • Tailoring communication to connect personally with congregants.
  • Offering a range of digital solutions, such as apps, kiosks, and text-to-give.
  • Implementing strategies to enhance recurring giving.
  • Providing options for categorized contributions.
  • Furnishing supportive resources to guide you on your journey.

How to Find the Best Digital Giving Solution

Considering this year’s digital giving trends will aid your search for the optimal solution for your church. Are you after straightforward software? Operating on a tight budget? These considerations matter. However, the scope goes beyond mere donation reception. Effective software requires a strategy to motivate and engage your congregation in its use.

How can you prompt your congregation to exceed the average 2.4% income contribution? And, importantly, how can you sustain this elevation? These inquiries underscore why DonorWerx goes beyond donation software.

Diverging from other online donation platforms, DonorWerx offers personalized consultation for church leaders, exceptional customer support, as well as resources and technology engineered for enduring giving. You can even leverage a complimentary assessment to evaluate your church’s giving improvement potential.

In 2017, millennials led charitable giving, with 40% of donors participating in monthly giving programs. Perhaps it’s time to meet donors where they are. Not solely by offering user-friendly giving avenues, but also by creating connections for church members with the vision and mission they contribute to.

Make Your Choice for Online Giving Today!

No matter which software you ultimately choose for your ministry, bear in mind that effective giving demands more than mere software. It necessitates a comprehensive approach. Now is the moment to shift the giving trajectory within the church and witness an upsurge in contributions.

Given the growth in other charitable donations across the U.S., the potential is evident! If you’re uncertain about where to begin, why not take a free 30-minute phone call with one of our giving experts at DonorWerx? We’ll offer individualized strategies for improving giving in your church. Schedule a Discovery Call today to learn more.

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