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Church Emails: How to Get Your Congregation To Read Them

congregation to read them

Church emails directed at your congregation can often slip through the cracks of attention. In essence, they slip in one ear and promptly exit the other. However, this mode of communication remains one of the most, if not the most, effective means at your disposal.

If you’re anything like me, your feelings toward email are a mix of affection and frustration. Depending on which study you consult, the average individual is bombarded with anywhere from 75 to a seemingly astronomical number of emails daily (alright, maybe not quite astronomical, but you catch my drift).

Herein lies the challenge: email is a universal tool. Its appeal is rooted in its cost-effectiveness and swiftness. Nonetheless, with inboxes inundated by the deluge of daily messages, the question arises—how can your church’s emails stand out amidst the cacophony? More importantly, how can you guarantee that your audience reads them?

Here are a handful of tips to navigate this issue:

1. Start with a BANG!

The adage “You never have a second chance to make a first impression” may ring familiar. Whether you’re a firm believer or not, there’s a truth to it. This is particularly true when it comes to emails. Often, this initial encounter can determine whether an email earns its spot in the recipient’s opened messages or gets relegated to the dreaded trash folder.

You’ve likely encountered this scenario before. You eagerly sign up for a service, newsletter, or blog, and following the initial “Congratulations! You’re now subscribed! Welcome aboard!” spiel, the first content-driven email arrives. Naturally, you’re inclined to open it—after all, you did opt for it. However, the impact of that email’s content, or the lack thereof, subtly influences your perception, potentially swaying your decision on whether to continue engaging with their subsequent messages.

Should the content prove to be genuinely valuable and impactful, it sets the stage for a trend. Regardless of the future subject lines, your confidence in the worthiness of their emails grows. This compels you to open them consistently. The pivotal factor here is trust—the belief that the content is consistently worthwhile and deserving of your time.

In light of this, it’s prudent to lead with your most exceptional content. This approach lays a foundation for a trajectory of engagement. When you begin on a high note, you establish a precedent that resonates with your audience. This significantly increases the likelihood that each subsequent email will not only be opened but also devoured with anticipation.

2. Keep ’em guessing

Aside from sending lackluster content, there’s another surefire route to the email abyss, and it’s a fate even graver – the dreaded “Unsubscribe” button (cue the suspenseful movie theme music). It involves adhering to a rigid schedule for email distribution.

While some may argue in favor of consistency, citing evidence that supports this notion, there’s a flip side to the equation. Imagine starting each day by opening your inbox, only to encounter ‘Annoying Sender #1’ perched at the top, without fail, every single time. This monotonous predictability can quickly breed annoyance, even if they dol out free candy.

Moreover, there’s a paradox at play: with a regular cadence, the perceived value of the content diminishes. At some point, the emails might appear as nothing more than routine dispatches, devoid of genuine purpose or value. On the flip side, receiving emails on consecutive days or, heaven forbid, even twice in one day, piques curiosity. You’ll naturally wonder what could be so pressing that they dared to fill your inbox with such frequency.

Consider this scenario too: let’s say you’re a devoted follower of ‘Awesome Sender #1’. When their emails cease arriving for a while, questions emerge (Did they vanish? Did I accidentally unsubscribe?). Absence kindles interest, and you’re more likely to perceive the email as worthwhile. The scarcity of their communications implies that they’ve been dedicating their time to crafting something genuinely meaningful.

If your church emails consistently echo reminders of upcoming events or the latest blog post, you’re bound to become predictable. Eventually, this predictability leads to dwindling interest and diminishing open rates.

3. It’s all about (not) you

Human nature is inherently self-centered; that’s just a simple truth. If your emails predominantly revolve around requests from recipients instead of offering something that benefits them, the outcome is predictable—they’ll eventually cease opening them. An invaluable guiding principle to remember: maintain a healthy balance. For every single instance where you ask something of your recipients, ensure you’ve provided at least five pieces of content that cater to their interests and needs.

Consider email as a potent instrument of communication, with the potential to be your strongest ally in engagement. When wielded adeptly, it becomes a conduit for forging connections. Yet, if employed poorly, you risk squandering trust and merely triggering eye rolls each time your email lands in their inbox.

The pivotal insight here lies in aligning your approach with the innate human inclination. People are more inclined to invest their attention when they discern that the content bears relevance to them personally. By delivering a blend of content that genuinely addresses their concerns, curiosities, and aspirations, you build a relationship of mutual respect and interest.

In essence, the golden rule is this: prioritize reciprocity. Ensuring that the ratio of content beneficial to your recipients far outweighs the instances of solicitation fosters a sense of value and rapport.

Success Requires More than Church Emails

Mastering the art of crafting impactful emails for your congregation is undeniably valuable. Yet, the path to a thriving church involves a broader spectrum of components. If you’re eager to construct a comprehensive giving strategy that yields results, complete with potent church email templates at your disposal, it’s time to take action. Take time to engage in a Discovery Call with the giving experts at DonorWerx.

In just half an hour, we’ll unveil the blueprint for increasing donation at your church by 10% or even more within six months. This consultation promises insights that transcend email tactics, encompassing a holistic approach to enhancing the vibrancy of your congregation. Our experts stand ready to empower you with actionable strategies that encompass both the art of compelling communication and an overarching giving strategy that resonates effectively.

Schedule a Discovery Call today to get started.

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