10 Reasons Why It’s Better to Give Than Receive
The idea that it’s better to give than receive gets plenty of traction in church, volunteerism, child-rearing, and the months leading up to the Christmas holidays. Unfortunately, this meaningful lesson has become more of a catchphrase over the years rather than a way of life.
When we treat these simple yet powerful words as nothing more than a catchy slogan, we do ourselves and those around us a disservice. The benefits of treating this lesson as a foundational aspect of life are many. Once you understand this, you’ll never again take these words for granted.
1. The Bible Tells Us So
No conversation about the fact that it’s better to give than receive would be complete without mentioning the Bible. As a follower of God, it’s our duty to live a life that follows scripture as closely as possible. When it comes to the importance of giving, you don’t even need to dig deep for the lesson:
“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)
If you need biblical verses to boost your faith in what you’re doing, it doesn’t get better than this. There’s no need to assume what the Bible means. The fact that it’s better to give than receive is spelled out directly.
2. You’ll Bring Others to God
Did you know that 72 percent of people who don’t attend services say they’ve made this decision because they think churches are full of hypocrites? This is a shameful statistic considering how easy it is to show our communities that doing God’s work is important to us.
Giving to others should be a commitment you make in your personal life, but it should also take place through the church. People want to be involved with organizations that are socially responsible, and this extends to houses of worship as well.
Non-churchgoers need to see God’s work being done through us if they’re ever going to evolve. If you can bring a lost soul to God, what more proof is needed that it’s better to give than receive?
3. You’ll Live Longer

While it may seem like something out of science fiction, research has actually proven that giving can make you live longer. Studies have shown that individuals who volunteer their time have a decreased death rate ranging from 20-60 percent.
We should never do good simply to reap the health benefits. In fact, some research suggests this effect only exists among those who give selflessly. This means it’s time to really start caring about your fellow children of God.
4. You’ll Be Greatly Rewarded
Acts 20:35 tells us that it is better to give than receive, but it doesn’t tell us why. Fortunately, the answer to this question is given in numerous places throughout the Bible. Proverbs promises that the generous will be made rich:
“The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.” (Proverbs 11:25)
A similar promise is made in Deuteronomy:
“Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” (Deuteronomy 15:10).
And again in Matthew:
“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” (Matthew 10:42)
The Bible is replete from promises that God will greatly reward followers who understand that it’s better to give than receive. These rewards will become even more noticeable when you learn to better communicate with your congregants, so contact DonorWerx today to learn improved donor engagement.
5. Giving Improves Relationships
One of the biggest factors in measuring church health is the connections it makes in the community. Knowing that it’s better to give than receive is important as an individual, but it’s essential that you work within your church as well. This work is rarely done in a vacuum, however, so you’re often interacting with the community.
Building and nurturing community-based partnerships is one of the beneficial side effects of giving through your church. Most of us are taught how important networking is throughout high school and college, and this holds true whether you’re working for the church or a startup company.
The relationships you create when giving to the community can serve many purposes. From having a connection that mutually fund a charity event to attracting new congregants, the possibilities are limitless.
6. You’ll Be Happier
There’s only so much happiness one can derive from sharing Christian memes and watching sermon bloopers online. Fortunately, acknowledging and living by the idea that it’s better to give than receive can give provide a cheerfulness that doesn’t dissipate when you get off Facebook.
Do you recall when we said volunteering helps people live longer? This lengthened life is linked directly to increased happiness. Helping others makes us feel good down to our very souls, and this creates more than a peace that passes understanding.
It also creates a joy that cannot be easily taken away.
7. Increases Giving in Others
Everyone has heard the adage that it’s better to give than receive, but seeing you give may be the motivation someone else needs to give themselves. Research has shown that the majority of American teens and young adults volunteer, and peer pressure is typically the driving factor.
Sometimes all it takes to bring someone else into the fold is doing good work yourself. Whether you’re trying to increase giving in your church or you simply want to show your friends how rewarding volunteering can be, you may simply need to take the first step.
Churches can also increase tithes and financial gifts by effectively communicating to parishioners how their money is being used to help others. The DonorWerx Framework can help you learn improved engagement strategies, so contact us today to do better going forward.
8. Improve Your Community

None of us live in a bubble. No matter how hard we strive to keep our neighborhoods safe and happy, problems in the community can easily make their way inside. While there are various social safety nets available in America, they’re simply not enough in many cases.
When you realize that it’s better to give than receive in a community setting, you’ll get the ball rolling on improving your local area. Where our children grow up has a direct effect on who they are in the future, so make sure you work hard to create a better community for them.
9. Improved Allocation of Resources
“Allocation of resources” can mean very different things if you’re looking at personal budgets vs church budgets. The one thing that remains true, though, is that giving generously helps you get better at allocation of your resources.
If you properly tithe a portion of your paycheck, for instance, it can help you realize how much money you spend on unnecessary items. If your church devotes a certain amount of revenue to a homeless program monthly, you’ll have to prioritize when your budget suddenly changes.
In the end, recognizing that it’s better to give than receive does more than making us feel better. It also helps us learn what our priorities should be and become better stewards of God.
10. Gratitude Has a Long Memory
When COVID-19 began making its way through America, church donations plummeted. Unfortunately, many ministries will never recover. For houses of worship that have strong connections to their communities, though, surviving the difficult times is a simpler endeavor.
One of the biggest areas where we see that it’s better to give than receive involves gratitude, and gratitude has a long memory. When people remember what you’ve done for them, they’re more likely to help you through times of distress and uncertainty.
For a ministry, this could mean congregants giving via church apps even while social distancing. For individuals, it could simply involve someone helping you with a bill two years after you gave them a jump after they broke down.
When you live as if it’s better to give than receive, people will remember it.
It’s Always Better to Give Than Receive
The intrinsic value of giving without expectation is that you are putting good into the world. When you consider the many benefits of doing so, however, it’s undeniable that you’re benefitting as well. Whether you’re doing so through your own personal life or via church ministries, the idea that it’s better to give than receive is more than an expression. It’s an essential aspect of life. \
We created the DonorWerx Framework to help your church garner increased revenue to better perform God’s work. Schedule a free Discovery Call today to learn how your ministry can receive through giving.