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How To Build A Successful Team

build a successful team

Build The Right Foundation

What are the key characteristics of a successful team, and how can you as a pastor or church leader build your own for success? Let’s look at some of the standout ones all leading teams should have.

What are the Characteristics of a Successful Team?

How do you gauge whether your team is successful? And if you have not yet reached your mission goals, but are working towards them, then how do you define success?

1. Think SMART Goals

“S.M.A.R.T.” stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based.

The acronym is good for considering which goals will bring your non-profit success, especially when many individuals are involved.

Once you implement SMART objectives, it becomes easier to track your progress. When everyone is on the same page about which goals they are striving for, all team members can help can monitor advancements.

Every time you come closer to your goals, celebrate those little accomplishments. As a leader, you must make sure that your team members are aware of what you consider a good success rate.

See also: How to Thrive—Not Just Survive—In An Uncertain Era.

2. Identify and Assign Well-Defined Roles

As a leader, understand how your people work best when you give them specific responsibilities. You cannot just expect them to “contribute” or “help” out. Assign specific tasks which lead to the goals. Be willing to give up some of the control so that they can take charge of different projects.

For example, if you are planning a fundraiser, have only specific people in charge of press and media interviews, and others specifically assigned to social-media management. Identifying these roles before you even start hiring for your team will also ensure that all responsibilities are covered.

You may have some cases where some team members are able to advance to higher roles or jobs with more responsibility. Or, you may identify some people who are good at managing a few things at a time. Give your teams time to prove themselves and show their strengths for different tasks.

For a recap on leadership, read our blogs on this vast subject for pastors.

assign well-defined roles

3. Embrace diversity

The most effective teams are well-rounded and well-represented. As a church, it is essential that you show a diverse group of leaders to your followers and congregation. Pick people who can be an asset to your church because they represent certain members of your church—for example, the youth, or the single parents, or those from foreign countries.

Whoever you choose to make up your team must be relatable to those in the church. So try a variety of personalities: different levels and professional backgrounds, or work experiences.

Differing opinions mean the chance to encourage open-mindedness in your church and different approaches to outreach projects.

4. Focus on Effective Communication

Clear lines of communication are the foundation of all successful teams. Make sure that everyone has a way to streamline communication, seamless interaction tools, and even a good digital platform for all to stay connected.

Especially when communication must often be remote, you need to have efficient ways to do your work. This might mean online Zoom meetings, Google Hangout Conferences, or even your own digital space for connection.

Whichever form of communication you choose, your project management applications should be part of the teamwork structure.

5. Accountability and Commitment to the Church

As a successful leader, you must seek to cultivate adaptability and accountability. With responsibility comes the power to decide, and all your team members must be aware of both rewards and/or consequences.

Make sure that all members of your team are committed to the greater goals of the church. Keep them motivated to do their best work by encouraging spiritual training and growth.

Jesus talked a lot in the New Testament of the behavior of a “Good Shepherd”—one who gives his life for the sheep, leaves everything to seek the lost ones and loves unconditionally. Let this basic foundation of Scripture guide you as you lead your teams to brighter days and guaranteed success.

Read more about funny blogs for pastors who need to lighten up here.

commitment to the church

How DonorWerx Can Help

How can you best facilitate communication, and have the right tools to address conflicts while ensuring progress? We talked above about ensuring that your communications systems are set up and functioning.

The second asset is having a partner who can back you up on the journey to reaching your goals. At DonorWerx, we have created church resources, pastor tools, and fundraising plans and templates.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We want to help you strengthen your teams and create a positive culture of communication.

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